Online Classes

The country is facing with a severe outburst of Corona. The number of cases are increasing at the same time parents, staff, students are all going through lot of stress. Individuals and families are getting infected. It is high time that we follow all the Covid norms, have a proper protein diet, do 3-4 times steaming and gargles every day. Breathing excercises like pranayam and dhanurasan is very good for all. Isolate one self from the family in case someone is corona positive.
Looking into all the above, as a school we have decided to discontinue the online classes also till 15th May 2021. Let the environment ease out. We will request the parents to monitor their wards at home and let them do reading and writing on their own. Classes IX to XII (old as well as new) must continue with their preparation for the annual exams.
Good wishes and take care. In case of any help please speak to us

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Contact Info
  • N.H.7, Jabalpur Road, Jhinjhari, Katni [MP]
  • +91 9977583555