
From which grade is the hostel facility available and how are they accomodated in the hostel at syna ?

Syna internaional school has complete cozy and home away from home hostel facility which is available from 2nd grade onwards. The students in the boarding house are divided in the form of wings according to their age groups.

How far is Syna International School from major cities?

It’s situated in the heart of Central India and directly connected from all parts of the country.Nearest Airports are Jabalpur, Bhopal

Is there a dress code?

Syna International School has a Uniform which all students are required to wear when the school is in progress the uniform requires neatness, modesty and standards generally accepted at Indian educational institutions.There are different uniforms for House,Sports,Prep etc.

Celebrations and Festivals?

Syna International School encourages the spiritual development of each member of the community to promote spiritual understanding among world faiths. We celebrate all Indian and International festivals and important days with great fervor and zests.

What access do students have to computers?

Syna International School provides internet access to students from specific supervised locations within the school such as the computer labs and the school libraries. Internet access is provided primarily to support the educational objectives of the school but also to allow students to have controlled access to a broader range of features available on the internet. The boarding Houses are equipped with computer bays  Laptops are permitted with restrictions.High connectivity of Internet is available round the clock in the campus with Wi-fi devices.

How does Syna International School prepare my child for college and university entrance world wide?

Syna International School graduates continue their education in colleges or universities around the world. The school will help the students prepare for competitive exams that lead to higher studies abroad. We have regular visits from Universities form all over the world and our students get a chance to know more about these Universities and courses they offer.We also Invite Career Counsellor and Trainer for workshop to be conducted for the students to match the Higher studies Institutions.

How do you make sure students succeed academically?

Each student has access to the Heads of School who guide them in selecting classes and whenever they have questions. Each of their class teachers is also available outside of the classroom for advice and to answer questions. Prep time is monitored both during the school day and in the dorms at night when the students have a compulsory study time from 7:00 pm. Part of the academic staff resides on the school campus and students can approach them at convenient times.

What opportunities are there for students with English as their second language?

Syna International School offers ESL classes to the Junior Middle and Senior . Placement tests are administered to new ESL students at the beginning of each semester, based on placement test results ESL students attend classes appropriate to their level / ability. The goal of the ESL department is to help students mainstream as quickly as possible as English is the language and medium of study.

Are the students safe on your campus?

All entrances to school properties are controlled by campus security guards,CCTV and Central Surveillance System.Visitors are required to sign a register and are given a pass only if their purpose on campus is legitimate. The School campus is regularly patrolled by security guards monitored by security and has a 24- hour supervision and has a vigil kept at all gates and the main entrance.If Necessary for security reasons the vehicles of parents and visitors will be checked only from the angle of the Boarders security .Parent and visitor’s cooperation is highly appreciated. Heads of Houses have the right to inspect and search a student’s cubicle or possessions in his/her presence at any time.The Vehicles of Parents and Visitors are not allowed to enter into campus.The Main entrances are equipped with Metal detector to keep security.Entire campus is monitored with wireless cameras.

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Contact Info
  • N.H.7, Jabalpur Road, Jhinjhari, Katni [MP]
  • +91 9977583555
  • admissions@synainternational.com